Easy Crème de Cassis Cocktails

Sunday, Jun 30th 2024
creme de cassis cocktails
Here is an easy Crème de Cassis cocktail, inspired by Casablanca, plus a few more to add interest to the popular cocktail: Kir Kir Royale Kir Berrichon You’ve seen the movie often. It’s 1942, and “Casablanca” is playing. Humphrey Bogart is opening Ric’s Café for an evening’s entertainment. ...

Wine Pairing With Steak: Bordeaux Inspired Meal to Make at Home

Friday, Mar 22nd 2024
Wine Pairing with steak
Picture this: you’re hosting a meal and the main guest loves Bordeaux wines and steak. What is the best wine pairing with steak? In this post, find great tips and tricks for meal planning for Bordeaux wine lovers.  Here’s a preview for an easy, no-fail Bordeaux-themed meal that ...

Gougères Recipe in 5 Easy Steps

Tuesday, Jan 3rd 2023
Easy Gougeres Recipe
Do you know that feeling when you want to offer some appetizers but don’t know what to serve beyond chips and dip? Here is an easy gougères recipe (pronounced goo-jairs) that is a real crowd-pleaser. Plus you can make a larger batch to freeze for that last-minute get-together, or even to ...

Easy French Cheese Board and Wine: Use the Rule of 3's

Wednesday, Feb 17th 2021
French Cheese Board
Easy French Cheese Board and Wine From our Facebook Lives, find more here: Facebook Live: French Wine Explorers Transcript: Hi guys, it’s Pascale Bernasse with French Wine Explorers and we help wine lovers become connoisseurs and we do that through our wine tours and our classes.  This ...

Video: Boeuf Bourguignon: 5 Easy Secrets to Transform Your Recipe

Thursday, Jan 7th 2021
Boeuf Bourguignon
In this video, we interview our chef friend Adeline in Burgundy on 5 secrets to Boeuf Bourguignon magic. We talk about the following secrets to transforming any Boeuf Bourguignon recipe: What cut of meat is best for Boeuf Bourguignon How to marinate What is the best wine for Boeuf Bourguignon ...
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